About Conference

The International Conference on Innovative Trends In
Information Technology (ICITIIT-20) aims at bringing together
specialists and researchers who propose innovations in the
field of the recent trends of Information Technology such as
Data Science, IoT, Cloud, Edge, Fog, Blockchain, and so forth.
The conference will include invited lectures covering the
recent trends in ICT. The conference will include invited
lectures covering the IoT, Datascience, and Cloud topics.
ICITIIT'20 will be technically co-sponsored by IEEE Kerala
section (CONFIRMED), IEEE-USA (APPROVED), AIC-IIITKottayam, and NIT-Calicut.
IEEE Conference Record No: 49094 -- APPROVED
IEEE CATALOG ISBN No: 978-1-7281-4210-4/20/$31.00
Date of Conference :
13 & 14 February 2020
Venue of the conference:
Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam
Call for Papers -- Please circulate the Flyer!!!
Previous Conferences of Organizer: (DBLP and Scopus Indexed)
Special Issue @ (Elsevier)
Internet of Things Journal of ELSEVIER -- Approved by Editor-in-Chief
Transport Facilities
We organize buses from Pala to the Conference Venue on 13th and 14th:
i) Pala to Conference Venue : Morning 8.45 AM and Evening 8:50 PM
ii) Conference venue to Pala : Morning 8:15 AM and Evening 5:45 PM
For further support, please contact our Ph.d scholars C.Basil Sunny (9496826930); Sreelakshmi Raveendran (9446464974); and, Ansith S. (99447765236)
Important Dates & Topics

Full Paper Submission (EXTENDED)
24 Nov.   28 Nov. 2019 -
Notification of Acceptance
10 Jan.   ::::: 14 Jan 2020 -
Camera Ready Paper
24 Jan.   ::::: 27 Jan 2020 - Deadline for early registration                     ::::: 1 Feb. 2020
- Deadline for late registration                     ::::: 9 Feb. 2020
The key topics of the conference include (but not restricted to)
- Data Science
- IoT Cloud
- HPC Applications
- Security, Scheduling, or Theoretical Algorithms
- Power Profiling Methodologies
- Wireless Sensor Networks, P2P, Data Mining
- Performance Analysis Tools
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Green Technologies for Clouds/Grids/IoTs/MobileClouds
- Energy-aware Exa-scale technologies
- Smart Grid
- Smart Intelligent Microcontroller
- Smart E-Vehicle
Registration Details
Contents | Outside India (IEEE Member) | Outside India (Non-IEEE Member) | Inside India (IEEE Member) | Inside India (Non-IEEE Member) |
Early Registration (Working professionals) | $550 | $650 | Rs. 9000 | Rs.10000 |
Early Registration (Students) | $450 | $550 | Rs. 5000 | Rs.6000 |
Late Registration (After 1.2.2020)(Working professionals) | $600 | $700 | Rs. 11000 | Rs.13000 |
Late Registration (After 1.2.2020)(Students) | $500 | $600 | Rs. 8000 | Rs.9000 |
Accompanying author | $100 | $200 | Rs. 1000 | Rs. 2000 |
Participant (Other than author) | $100 | $200 | Rs. 500 | Rs. 1000 |
NOTE: Atleast one author of each paper needs to register in the conference as presenter . i.e., each paper-id needs FULL registrations.
Registrations should be made in the following bank address:
Name of the Account: IIITK Conference
Account Number: 39077422391
Name of the Bank: SBI, Valavoor Branch
IFSC Code of Bank: SBIN0070539
Branch Address: Building no kp9404a, Kudakkachira road, Valavoor P.O., Kottayam District, 686635.
NOTE: After payment, please submit the registrations in the following REGISTRATION link (MANDATORY STEP): https://forms.gle/4T8p2scB6dCJHxr59 NOTE: Money will not be refunded once payment is made to the conference.
- Submitted papers (ONLY ENGLISH Language) should be written in the IEEE format and specifications. All submitted papers should contain original, unpublished results, experimental or theoretical. The IEEE paper template can be downloaded from IEEE official sites
- The maximum page limit is 6 pages per paper.
- The acceptance of papers along with referees comment will be communicated to authors by email.
- Paper will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library and its required abstracting and indexing services.
Guidelines for Submission (Before Review Process)
- Follow each step VERY CAREFULLY by deadline. Note that the IEEE link for producing the camera ready paper will not be active after deadline...
- Changes to the list of authors or title of paper is not applicable for accepted papers
- Undertake all comments as specified by reviewers.
- Ensure that figures are aligned properly; atleast 300 dpi resolution for figures are maintained.
- Plagiarism (if any) should be completely removed.
- Grammar and spell check should be performed in the accepted paper;
- Ensure that the author affiliation is specified as per the IEEE conference format.
- Ensure that the number of pages for the conference paper should be 5 or 6 (STRICTLY).
- DONOT paginate your paper (IMPORTANT).
- Ensure that the paper is in IEEE conference format. Please use the templates available at IEEE conference site .
- Add the copyright notice "978-1-7281-4210-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE" to the bottom (center) of the FIRST PAGE of your paper -- in the footer section (IMPORTANT).
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not
protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:
978-1-7281-4210-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-4210-4/20/$31.00
©2020 European Union
- Add the title of conference "2020 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology (ICITIIT)" to the top (center) of the FIRST PAGE of your paper -- in the header section (IMPORTANT)
- Proof read the paper thoroughly, including the formating and styling of figures/tables.
- Login to IEEE PDF ePress Site
First time users should do the following:
- Select the New Users - Click Here link from the website.
- Enter the following:
- 49094X for the Conference ID
- your email address and password
- Continue to enter information as prompted.
- Create a PDF version of your paper by selecting “Create New Title” and selecting your doc/docx/pdf file.
- An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying
your account setup.
- Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
- You will receive a camera ready paper in the following file name: PIDXXXXXxxx.pdf in your registered email
Guidelines for Submission (After Review -- for Accepted Papers)
Step 1: Update your paper as follows:
Step 2: Generate PDF eXpress Compliant paper as follows:
Step 3: Submission of Camera Ready Paper
Contact Us

Dr. Shajulin Benedict Ph.D, PostDoc. (Germany)
Faculty, Faculty-Incharge (R&D and International Affairs)
Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam,
Representative Officer (PI), AIC-IIITKottayam
Phone: 0482220-2155, 0091-9443543746
Website: www.iiitkottayam.ac.in/shajulin.php
Email: shajulin@iiitkottayam.ac.in